PoshTip #58 – How to Check File Version and Description?

When you browse a directory, you will see a tons of files, dll, exe, and so on… And especially in the Windows folder. But how to know if these files are legitimate?

Thanks to PowerShell, you can easily show version and description for each file that exists in the folder. Let’s how to perform this task:

PS >  gci C:\windows\System32\*.* | select Name, @{ label = 'Description'; Expression = { $_.VersionInfo.FileDescription }}, @{ la
bel = 'Version'; Expression = { $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion }} | Out-GridView -Title 'Description and Version info'

Thanks to the “description” column, you will get more information about these files:

Thanks for reading! You can follow me on Twitter @PrigentNico

About Nicolas 282 Articles
I work as an IT Production Manager, based in Paris (France) with a primary focus on Microsoft technologies. I have 10 years experience in administering Windows Servers. . I am a Microsoft MVP for Cloud & Datacenter Management. I also received the PowerShell Hero 2016 award by PowerShell.0rg. And finally, I am "MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure", "MCSA: Windows Servers", "Administering & Deploying SCCM", and CheckPoint CCSA certified.